Selasa, 08 September 2009

Pengobatan Ustadz Galih Gumelar - Sebagai penyakit serebrovaskuler (pembuluh darah otak), stroke ditandai dengan kematian jaringan otak (infark serebr

Galih Gumelar Health& Therapi - As serebrovaskuler disease (blood vessels of the brain), stroke is marked by the death of brain tissue (cerebral infarction) occur because of reduced blood flow and oxygen to the brain with various risk factors.

Have two types of stroke; ischemic stroke, blood flow to the brain stops because atherosclerosis (cholesterol buildup in blood vessel walls) or a blood clot that has clogged the blood vessels to the brain. In hemorragik stroke, broken blood vessels that block normal blood flow and blood seeped into an area in the brain and damage it.

Because a stroke can be about any part of the brain, the symptoms were diverse, ranging from mild to severe and even some who until death.

Mild form of stroke known as brain attack first glance (Transient ischemic Attack / TIA). Symptoms sometimes just a sense of weakness on one side of the face, or perhaps a sense of tingling in the arms or legs. Some are complaining about noise from the function of speech.

Mild stroke symptoms will usually return to normal in a quick time, less than an hour. Symptoms of a more severe stroke will generally lead to a more typical symptoms, like paralysis.

In general, symptoms of stroke include:
1. Weakness or paralysis of limbs that are supplied
2. Difficulty swallowing
3. Difficulty speaking
4. Disturbance hold urine
5. Loss of consciousness
6. Headache

Some conditions are at risk for stroke

1. Several different factors increase the risk of stroke, including: high blood pressure (hypertension) which are not controlled. This damage artery walls.
2. Diet. High dietary salt content is associated with high blood pressure, while the diet of many fatty and sweet foods is associated with coarsening the surface and narrowing the arteries.
3. Onset diabetes (Diabetes). Those who have diabetes menghidap more likely to experience high blood pressure and atherosclerosis, and by the greater risk of experiencing a stroke.
4. Atrial fibrillation. Type degupan irregular heart was raising the risk of blood clot formation in the heart, which then may be left behind and taken the blood flow to the brain.
5. Smoking. This has a negative effect on the arteries and causes blood pressure higher.
6. Alcohol drinking, drinking habits, alcohol will boost blood pressure and may cause blood vessels in the brain burst.

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